
Catalog No. size PriceQuantity
M7047-2 2mg solid $95
M7047-10 10mg solid $411


ELR510444 is a potent microtube disruptor with potential anticancer activity. ELR510444 has potent microtubule-disrupting activity, causing a loss of cellular microtubules and the formation of aberrant mitotic spindles and leading to mitotic arrest and apoptosis of cancer cells. ELR510444 potently inhibited cell proliferation with an IC(50) value of 30.9 nM in MDA-MB-231 cells, inhibited the rate and extent of purified tubulin assembly, and displaced colchicine from tubulin, indicating that the drug directly interacts with tubulin at the colchicine-binding site.

Product information

CAS Number: 1233948-35-0

Molecular Weight: 368.47

Formula: C19H16N2O2S2




ELR 510444.

Chemical Name: N-(5-(5-cyanothiophen-2-yl)-2-methylphenyl)-4-methylbenzenesulfonamide

Smiles: CC1C=CC(=CC=1)S(=O)(=O)NC1=CC(=CC=C1C)C1=CC=C(C#N)S1


InChi: InChI=1S/C19H16N2O2S2/c1-13-3-8-17(9-4-13)25(22,23)21-18-11-15(6-5-14(18)2)19-10-7-16(12-20)24-19/h3-11,21H,1-2H3

Technical Data

Appearance: Solid Power.

Purity: ≥98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Solubility: Soluble in DMSO, not in water

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical or refer to Certificate of Analysis

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and -20 oC for 1 year or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Shelf Life: ≥360 days if stored properly.

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 oC for 1 month or refer to the Certificate of Analysis.

Drug Formulation: To be determined.

HS Tariff Code: 382200


  1. Carew JS, Esquivel JA 2nd, Espitia CM, Schultes CM, Mülbaier M, Lewis JD, Janssen B, Giles FJ, Nawrocki ST. ELR510444 inhibits tumor growth and angiogenesis by abrogating HIF activity and disrupting microtubules in renal cell carcinoma. PLoS One. 2012;7(1):e31120. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031120. Epub 2012 Jan 25. PubMed PMID: 22295124; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3266297.

Products are for research use only. Not for human use.

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